Assam: Governor Mukhi bats for re-opening of trade routes with ASEAN countries

Governor Jagdish Mukhi

Assam Governor Jagdish Mukhi has lobbied for the reopening of commercial channels with countries in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

“Re-opening of trade routes with ASEAN countries will open the gates of economic development in the Northeast,” Assam Governor Jagdish Mukhi said.

Governor Mukhi was addressing at Cotton University in Guwahati at a conference on “Atmanirbhar Northeast through science and technology interventions.”

Governor of Assam Jagdish Mukhi went on to say that the Centre has taken a number of steps to create international routes with the ten ASEAN countries.

The Northeast, according to Governor Mukhi, has the potential to become a future centre for organic products, renewable energy, international tourism, and the country’s gateway to ASEAN countries.

Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam are the ten ASEAN countries.

ASEAN is a ten-country regional organisation that promotes economic, political, and security cooperation among its members.

According to the Governor, reopening trade channels with ASEAN countries, which have been blocked to the region since independence, will reopen the region’s economic development gates.

The Governor, in response to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s emphasis on the 4 C’s, or culture, commerce, connectivity, and capacity building for the entire Northeast, said that the goal of transforming India’s economy into a five trillion-dollar economy will be impossible to achieve without unlocking the Northeast’s commercial and economic potential.

As a total departure from the Central Government’s previous position, the NDA government took a significant interest in the development of the north-eastern region.

He noted that a focused and organised effort for the Northeast’s speedy and systematic development began in 2001 with the establishment of a distinct ministry, the Ministry for Development of the North Eastern Region (DoNER).

Furthermore, the Act East Policy completely redesigned the Northeast’s development orientation in order to assure action-oriented projects and policy outcomes.

According to the Governor, this new approach generated and developed a new narrative of growth for the entire Northeast, allowing it to fully realise its potential as an organic hub, worldwide tourism destination, and India’s gateway to ASEAN countries.

Prof. Arun Sharma, Director, CSIR National Institute of Scientific Communications and Policy Research, Dr.Ranjana Agarwal, and Vice-Chancellor, Cotton University, Prof. Bhabesh Ch. Goswami were among those who attended the conclave, which was organised by the North East Centre for Technology Application and Reach (NECTAR) in collaboration with Vijnana Bharati, Unnat Bharat Abhiyan, and Cotton University.

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